Friday, September 9, 2011

New 2013 Ford C Max energy

Here is a 2013 Ford C-Max Energy, Ford C-MAX with a passenger capacity of five multi-activity vehicle, every car has high mileage and low emissions, and a distinctive body shape and interior flexibility. Plug-in hybrid and full hybrid of third-generation global Ford C-dropside, power split-famous architecture, function generation information to use drivers, and advanced lithium-ion batteries.
2013 Ford C-MAX also offers an output of 500 miles (800 km) of the total driving range with battery and motor - more than any other plug-ins or extended-range electric car. Energy C-MAX offers a lower fuel to keep the Chevrolet Volt. 2013 Ford C-MAX will be able to develop sophisticated lithium-ion battery and placed in the home of Ford in Michigan to use. Each cleverly designed for maximum use of common, high-quality components such as hardware control panel, proven field performance at Ford is praised hybrid cars.

2013 Ford C-MAX power will benefit from a daily fee for all, an electric furnace to maximize. Thanks to the effectiveness of the law of large battery systems, plug-in hybrid, the back 100 percent at night, easy to fill the 120-V charge utičnicu.Puna to C at maximum power allows owners to their license to improve virtually all electric mode and drastically reduce the use of fuel on board. In early 2013 Ford C-MAX energy action to reduce costs, to electric driving range. When the battery is empty, or if certain conditions are met, the duty to hybrid mode for optimum fuel economy more to maintain.

2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy
2013 Ford C Max energy

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