Thursday, June 17, 2010

HP2G Vaporware?

I keep tabs on HP2G, Doug Pelmear's startup which is working on a hybrid electric V8 engine design, because he is somewhat local (Toledo OH) and makes some astonishing claims (110 MPGe and 400HP).  As you may have heard already, HP2G was a Progressive Automotive X-prize contender but dropped out in the early stages of the competition.  HP2G also had a deal with Revenge Design to supply the HP2G engine for a hybrid supercar, the Revenge Blade.  Revenge has broken off its relationship with HP2G, and posted this nasty item on its web site:

Revenge Designs Inc is announcing the withdrawal of all support and funding to Hp2g llc, due to numerous requests for third party validations to the claims of their 110mpge Hp2g engine. Revenge Designs was informed the patents were in place late 2009, since then Revenge Designs has requested documentation for the third party testing to no avail. Revenge Designs finds this to be unacceptable. 

A quick search of the U.S. patent database shows that the only patent that Doug Pelmear has to his name at this time is one for an engine block brace--nothing about his magnetic cylinder assist system.  There are no applications by Pelmear in the U.S. patent application database.  A quick search of the EU patent database also shows only the engine block brace patent.  So it appears that HP2G has failed to apply for a patent for its magnetic hybrid engine technology until very recently.  And it is odd that HP2G refuses to allow 3rd party testing of its prototype, an old Mustang.

Does Pelmear have a 110MPGe V8 engine that also makes 400HP, or is he selling snake oil?  I wonder if we will ever be able to find out.

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