Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ford's New Inflatable Seat Belt

Update: Wes Sherwood of Ford Safety PR has left answers to my questions in the first comment. Thanks Wes!

Ford unveiled a new inflatable rear seatbelt design today. (There's a neat video here.)

This looks like a pretty good idea, but I do have some questions. If any Ford safety or PR people are reading, please chime in.
  • What happens if you use one of these belts to anchor an infant seat, using the belt instead of LATCH anchors? Will the expanding baloon damage the infant seat?
  • Why not use these on the front, too? Seems like front passengers could benefit as well.
  • Will they trigger in a minor accident? Can they be repaired, or will they be expensive to replace, like airbags?
  • Will accessories such as seatbelt positioners, or fuzzy seat belt covers defeat or interfere with the balloon?

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