Monday, August 3, 2009

Why CARS (Cash For Clunkers) Should Be Extended

I posted previously that I didn't think the CARS program would be extended, and the outcome is still currently doubtful.

I think that CARS should be extended.  Many billions of dollars have been set aside for banks and insurance companies (some of which are now paying out huge bonuses to their employees).  Billions more have been set aside for "green energy" investments.  All for the sake of "stimulus".  However, much of the stimulus money won't be spent any time soon.

By redirecting some of the stimulus money to the CARS program, Congress would accomplish more stimulus sooner.  Money would flow quickly to dealerships, with their employees and dependent businesses, and money would flow to the automakers and suppliers.  It would also have the beneficial side effect of reducing gasoline demand by improving the overall fuel economy of the cars on the road. 

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