Sunday, May 31, 2009
GM Announces U.S. Small Car Plant
Actually, it was not just coercion, but negotiation. According to news reports, the UAW gave GM further concessions, such as broader job classifications, to allow a small car plant to be profitable.
GM was looking at a public relations mess, with Ford previously announcing that the European Focus would be built in a re-fitted Michigan Truck plant, and the UAW howling that taxpayers should not fund more off-shoring of vehicles. By bringing a b-car line to the U.S., GM leapfrogs Ford, which is going to build its Fiesta in Mexico.
The whole thing makes me wonder, though. Was GM's plan to import Chinese cars a business plan, or was it a bargaining stick?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Digging Into "Dealergate", Part II
For my second look at the issue, I thought I'd look locally. What I did was tabulate the Chrysler dealers in the greater Metro Detroit area which are on the closing list, and also the ones on the stay-open list and take note of their political donations. Here are the results:
Dealer, Donations
Metro Detroit Chrysler dealers who donated did so overwhelmingly to the Republicans.
The only example of a Metro Detroit Chrysler dealer who gave money to Democrats was "Hoot" McInerny, who gave large amounts to both sides. It would also be very bad press for Chrysler to try to axe McInerny's dealership, because he is a well known local personality and a big philanthropist.
I don't think you can argue any political bias in Metro Detroit, based on the data.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
No Obvious Political Bias In Chrysler Dealership Closings
In his original post (here), Ross found that out of a collection of 39 dealers he checked, 4 gave half or more of their contributions to Democrats (10%)
As much as I would like to believe it to be true, I don't think it is. There is a major flaw with his analysis: he didn't bother to check the dealers that are staying open to see how their political contributions broke down.
My hypothesis is that Chrysler dealers, being small businessmen, are more likely to donate to Republicans than Democrats, for predictable reasons. Like any small businessmen, car dealers want lower taxes, a lower minimum wage, fewer regulations, etc.
The list of Chrysler dealers that are staying open is here. This is a list of the dealers whose contracts will be assumed by the new Chrysler-Fiat.
What I did was go down the list and copy names into the search box at until I got a clean hit. I did this until I got 25 dealers with donation records for the 2008 election cycle. The results can be considered randomized, since we don't expect a correlation in the alphabetical name of the dealership with their political affiliation (or geographic location).
If you run these numbers through a binomial distribution, you get a 2-tailed P-value of 1! That means that the hypothesis that the two distributions are identical is correct. Chrysler dealers (and probably all auto dealers) who donated for the 2008 election cycle overwhelmingly supported the Republicans.
Here is my "raw data", if you want to spot check me.
SIX | R |
UDD | R |
Friday, May 22, 2009
The "two standards" aren't really two standards, the legal standard is CAFE FE (unadjusted). The fuel economy labels for consumers are required by law, but cars are not regulated to that number.
Edmunds does provide a handy list of vehicles that might meet the 2016 standards today, and not surprisingly, they are all sub-compact and compact cars, and hybrids.
This is instructive. In 2016, affordable cars which meet the new CAFE standards will be compact cars. Anything larger will be much more expensive, as carmakers will have play tricks such as reduce weight (aluminum, carbon fiber), add hybrid drives, add gasoline engine technology (turbo direct injection), or perhaps clean diesel.
Today, the average car is a "midsize" vehicle, somewhere between a Toyota Camry and a Honda Civic. In 2016, I suspect the average car will be a compact, about the size of a Civic.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Clarkson's Fiesta Movement
Chrysler Dealer Collateral Damage
They are sponsored by Birmingham Chrysler Jeep, which was told by Chrysler that its franchise was being terminated last Thursday. If BCJ goes out of business, the band loses its sponsor.

I Love A Parade

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Chrysler's Dealer Destruction Hits Home
BCJ was, according to this news article, in the top 20 dealerships in the country. It has been owned by the Mealey family since 1966, and employs 90 people. BCJ is known in the area for its fun, corny advertising, such as this spot where the owner snow blows his lot and rides around on a lawn tractor.
I wasn't expecting Birmingham Chrysler Jeep to close. I thought Chrysler/Fiat would want a slot in the Troy Motor Mall, where they could compete directly against the other brands, just yards away. But the massive Golling dealership in nearby Bloomfield Hills, which was chosen to stay open, sells all three Chrysler brands from one huge lot.
I know people who work at this dealership. This morning, when they got the news that they were expected to close, 40 employees were laid off all at once. All around the country, the same scene was repeated today. All around the country, people are tasting the salty, metallic flavor of failure.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
GM Plans To Import Chinese Cars
Bottomfishing The Best Of The Dying Brands
If I was in the market, here are some cars I would consider:
- Pontiac Vibe -- Decent small hatch, though a rental fleet favorite. Nice, practical package. Weird rear window.
- Pontiac G8 -- Probably the best car Pontiac is selling now. I'm not a fan of the nostrils, but otherwise a very sharp car. Good engines.
- Pontiac G6 -- Decent midsize sedan/coupe. Also a rental fleet favorite.
- Pontiac G5 -- Great if you wanted a Cobalt to begin with, or a functional compact car.
- Pontiac Torrent -- Decent, practical small SUV, saddled with a crummy Chinese built engine.
- Saturn Aura -- Won the 2007 Car Of The Year award. The precurser to the new Malibu. Sharp looking.
- Saturn Astra -- Great small car, if a little underpowered. Tight European style and handling.
- Saturn Vue -- Decent small SUV, if a bit heavy.
- Chrysler 300C -- Long in the tooth but still a nice design. If you don't mind gun-slit windows and so-so fuel economy, this is a nice rear wheel drive choice.
- Chrysler Town & Country -- Competent. If you need a minivan, you may be willing to trade Honda dynamics and residual values for the discount on one of these.
- Dodge Ram -- Newly refreshed, the Ram is hlghly rated and is winning comparisons against other full sized pickups in the press.
- Dodge Journey -- New crossover SUV from Dodge. Looks like a decent package, reviews are mixed.
- Dodge Challenger -- Chrysler's Mustang fighter.
- Dodge Charger -- Sportier, meaner version of the 300c. Rear wheel drive, aggressive styling.
In my opinion, these vehicles are good enough that someone could buy one without massive compromises, and reap the benefits of the desperate pricing environment. I think it is unlikely that you would be stuck with an unfixable car if something did break, even if GM and Chrysler are broken up in bankrupcy court. Even if the companies collapse, the market for replacement parts and service will ensure that someone will be able to repair them. With the government warranty backing there isn't much warranty cost risk, either.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
DOE Cutting Hydrodgen Car Funding
FY 2010 budget cuts less effective programs so we can invest in our economic future. For example:Cutting funding for deep-water and unconventional oil and gas research that industry can and does fund on its own.Moving away from funding vehicular hydrogen fuel cells to technologies with more immediate promise
Friday, May 8, 2009
Republicans and Hybrids
The answer, is that most people (not just Republicans) won't buy a hybrid until the economics work out, and until the cars available will be a minimal sacrifice in handling, room, and performance.
For example, the closest to a no-compromises mid-size hybrid that I have seen to date from a Detroit automaker is a Ford Fusion hybrid. But it costs around $30,000! An I4 Fusion can be bought for much closer to $20,000.
The author makes the argument that some conservatives will be attracted to the national security aspects of hybrids. I agree with this personally, and if hybrids become affordable, I would consider one even at a modest premium to a gasoline vehicle.
Without a clear cost advantage, hybrid sales have to rely primarily on the segment willing to pay more for green -- a segment that has been hard-hit by the financial crisis yet still seems to be growing. But if we really want to expand the number of buyers, we should develop new arguments that appeal to the Republicans who have been holding back. To look at it another way, every hybrid car reduces not just greenhouse gases but reduces our dependence on foreign oil -- especially the new plug-in hybrids under development. And that means that buying a hybrid is not just good for the environment, but good for our energy independence and national security.
Obama is doing his part to promote hybrids in many ways. One way that isn't as frequently mentioned is that his administration is not as friendly to oil drilling as Bush's was. Obama's policy will restrict the supply of new oil, which will drive the price up (and, of course profits to OPEC). This will cause people to consider hybrids, as gas goes back to $3/gal over the long term.
Even Republicans understand $3 gas.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
GM Mega-Dilution
Cash For Clunkers Compromise
You can read the whole thing here.
One big change is that the plan is only good for one year, not the 3 years of HR1550.
The quick summary:
Passenger cars
$3,500 for a new vehicle of at least 22mpg, if old one was at most 18mpg; 4mpg improvement
$4,500 for a new vehicle of at least a 10mpg improvement
Light Trucks & SUVs
$3,500 for a new vehicle of at least 18mpg, if 2mpg improvement
$4,500 for a new vehicle of at least a 5 mpg improvement
Large Light Duty Truck (6,000-8,500 lbs)
$3,500 for a new vehicle of at least 15mpg, if 1mpg improvement
$4,500 for a new vehicle of at least 2mpg improvement
Work Truck (8,500-10,000lbs)
$3,500 for any new vehicle if old vehicles pre-2002
The one page summary did not mention scrappage details, so I assume the rules will be simlar to HR520 and 1550.
There is no domestic or NAFTA favoritism here--any vehicle make qualifies. The mileage requirements are modest. It will be easy for people to use the credit, which is good. But the duration is short, so many people won't be ready to take advantage of the credit.
I think this will be a good shot in the arm to the automotive industry, with modest fuel economy benefits.
John Kerry Introduces Quiet Car Ban
- (b) Requirements- The standard required under this section shall provide that every motor vehicle be equipped with a method--
- (1) to provide blind and other pedestrians with a non-visual alert regarding the location, motion, speed, and direction of travel of a motor vehicle that provides substantially the same protection of such pedestrians as that provided by a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine; and
- (2) that will permit a blind or other pedestrian to determine the location, motion, speed, and direction of travel of a motor vehicle with substantially the same degree of certainty as such pedestrians are able to determine the location, motion, speed, and direction of travel of a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine.
So here's an idea: let's add external speakers to our future electric cars which make them all sound like this:
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Lutz Smacks Letterman
Now, if he is that uninformed, I must point out that it’s not his fault, it’s ours. We should do a better job of making sure that Dave and everyone else who is in position to comment on national TV about our products has the right information, whether they use that information or not. Perhaps if we’d hired Drew Barrymore to be the spokesperson for the vehicle we’d have commanded more of his attention. Regardless, we’d like to rectify the situation.I would like to personally invite Dave to come learn more about the Volt, including the hugely important but unmentioned-by-him fact that its range is 40 purely electric miles plus several hundred more miles thanks to its range-extender. Dave may drive more than 40 miles a day on his commute from the palatial Connecticut estate, but about 80 percent of Americans don’t. And those people could conceivably drive the Volt every day and never use a drop of gasoline.
The Chrysler Filing
One interesting part is how much Chrysler owes the top unsecured (no collateral) creditors:
#1 Ohio Module Manufacturing Co.: $70.3 million (chassis assembly)There are a few companies on here which are a little surprising. You expect parts suppliers and steel companies, but a German spare parts distributor? Wackenhut? Tata?
#2 BBDO: $58 million (marketing)
#3 Johnson Controls: $50.3 million (parts)
#4 Continental Automotive: $47 million (parts)
also #29 Continental-Teves: $7.4 million,
Continental Automotive Guadalajara: $5.5 million
#5 Cummins: $44 million (engines)
#6 Germersheim Spare Parts: $36 million (Daimler spare parts?)
#7 Comau: $32 million (robots and automation)
#8 Visteon: $25.6 million (parts)
#9 New Process Gear: $20 million (transfer cases)
#10 Denso: $18.7 million (parts)
#11 Yazaki: $18.3 million (parts)
#13 U.S. Steel: $16 million (steel)
#18 Tata America: $11.3 million (IT outsourcing)
#24 Magna Powertrain: $8 million (parts)
#26 Shell Oil: $7.8 million (petrochemicals)
#41 Wackenhut: $7 million (security)
#40 Borg Warner: $5.5 million (parts)
#47 Robert Bosch: $5.1 million (parts)
#50 TRW Chassis: $5 million (parts)
Top secured creditors:
U.S. Treasure: $4.5 billionChryslers assets: $39.3 billion
JP Morgan: $1.6 billion
Chase: $1 billion
Morgan Stanley: $980 million
Citibank: $919 million
Current assets: $11.1 billion (only $1.9 billion in cash)Liabilities: $55 billion ($30.6 billion current liabilities, $24.5 long term)
Property and equipment: $21 billion
Other: $7.2 billion (including $3.5 billion in "intangible")
Operating loss, previous 12 months: $17 billion (!).
Fiat ecoDrive
More here.
Waiting For The Aftershocks...
"The aftershocks are going to be huge. We just haven't seen it yet," said Laurie Harbour-Felax, president of the Harbour-Felax Group, an auto research firm. She said she expects a couple of major suppliers with annual sales of over $1 billion to file for bankruptcy within the next week.There is high risk of collateral damage to the automakers which are still building cars in this country, such as Honda, Toyota, and Ford. These companies may have to prop up failing suppliers with many millions of dollars of extra support to keep parts coming, which will weaken these companies even further. Ford is particularly vulnerable, because it is running on a cushion of borrowed cash, and has no easy way to borrow more, short of going to Obama.